Tuesday, September 30, 2014

7 Months Old!

Holy Moses,

I can't believe it has already been 7 months since Skyler was born.  I also can't believe I haven't updated this blog in all that time.  I'm honestly terrible at blogging.  I have had like 5 different blogs throughout my days, and all of them have eventually fallen into disrepair, and neglect, becoming ghost towns, that will never be gazed upon again.

However, I really do want to make an effort to at least update this blog once in a while, if anything as a journal of sorts of our baby girl growing up.  So, onto that topic.

You guys, our baby is unreal.  She is the only thing, I can think of, that can poop on everything around her, and still remain adorable.

I mean, c'mon, look at this little cutie!!

She's not only adorable on the outside, but she's so sweet on the inside too.  She is the sweetest, happiest, smiliest, little girl in the entire world.  She already has a great sense of humor, and she has made this daddy completely smitten.  I love this girl so much it hurts sometimes.

It's actually pretty unreal how much love can exist for this little human being that essentially doesn't contribute anything to the relationship other than cuddles, smiles, and lots of diapers.  I love Shelby with all of my being, I would die for that woman.  But, the love for a child is really different.  Because it is an instant paradigm shift.  Your whole world changes over night, really the second you find out you're pregnant.  Everything shifts to baby.  It's all you talk about, all you shop for, all you look forward to, etc...  Then, once baby is here, your world turns upside down...  In my opinion, I should say it actually turns right side up.  Because you are no longer living for yourself.  I'm no longer going to work to make money for myself, or my wife.  I'm no longer eager to get home to go see a movie, or watch a game on TV, or something like that.  I'm going home to see my girls.  You no longer get to go out late, hang out with friends, go to the store without a fuss, or anything else for that matter.  Your whole life revolves around this little human being that is relying on you to raise her up to be pretty awesome.  It's crazy!  Your social life ends at 7:00 p.m. every night, unless you have a babysitter.

But that's where the paradigm shift kicks in, because, all of these things to a single person sound awful.  It really is a huge pain in the butt sometimes to have a kid, and yet, I never find myself wanting to complain about it, really.  It's all worth it.  I never think, "It would be so much easier if we just didn't have Skyler."  Instead I can't imagine my life without her.  Sure, we'd have a lot more fun with friends, if we didn't have her, but, we've outgrown a life of social activities every night, and doing whatever we want.  We've started a new chapter that is just as much fun, it's just more work.

Anyway, I'm rambling.  Back to Skyler.

As you can see in her pictures, she is a little chunker.  She is so squishy and adorable, and healthy.  I give thanks daily that my baby girl is healthy.  God bless those who have to deal with health challenges with their babies, I don't know if I could handle that.  She also so smart, and seems to be ahead of the game in her development.  She was pretty much crawling around at 6 months, and could roll around earlier than that.  Now, at 7 months, she can crawl wherever she wants so that she can then bonk her head on whatever it is she wants to climb up on to stand up.  Yeah, she's already standing up by herself with the help of whatever is in front of her.  She has already had two bottom teeth since she was like 5 months old, and she's currently getting her top teeth now, which sucks.  Teething babies are not as much fun. She's 17 lbs at this point.  She talks all the time, I have a feeling she'll be an early talker, but you never really know, to be honest. You can see her little brain developing literally everyday.  She is doing new things all the time, things that you think to yourself, holy crap, is she supposed to already be doing that?  It's pretty awesome, and kind of sad too to see certain stages you have grown to love so much pass you by, and become a thing of the past.  I can totally understand the term "baby hungry" now.  I see why people are willing to put up with the trauma of having another one of these things again within a year or two.  But, for now, I'm pretty content. :)

I know this is already long, and if you're still reading, you must really like reading, I probably would have stopped by now, but if you're interested, I will give a short update about what mom and dad are up to at the moment.

In June, I went to California as a finalist to become a contestant on The Biggest Loser.  I made it to the last couple days of finals week, and was cut, because they decided to go with people who were previous pro-athletes, or athletes that also had a tragic, interesting story.  My story was simply not tragic enough, which honestly I'm not complaining.  Anyway, it has turned out to be a blessing, as we have bought a house, in a neighborhood we absolutely love, and I've been able to see Skyler grow through this adorable time in her life.  Plus, I've been able to get sponsored by a Nutrition and fitness consultant company that is helping me to get healthy in a very healthy way, instead of the crazy Biggest Loser method.  I've already lost over 30 lbs, and I'm feeling good.  Shelby is looking sexy as all get out too, she's lost a ton of weight as well.  So everything is really great right now.  We are loving being parents, even though sometimes it's hard, but we have zero regrets, and we can't wait for the adventures that are still to come.

With that, here are some more pictures and videos of our baby girl.

She is starting young!

She fell asleep like this while leaning against me early in the morning.

She's obsessed with our Dog Tank!!

This is why they make it so you can buckle kids into these things.

She cheers for BYU, even in her sleep!

She's really good at Rapping too.

Daddy playing dress-up

My girls are the cutest!!!!  I'm such a lucky guy!

I'll try to at least post more pictures and stuff on this blog, even if I don't write a novel every time.  So, I hope you guys will stay tuned, and subscribe to our adventures.  The more people that actually read this stuff, the more motivated I can get myself to actually post.

Until next time folks!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Skyler Marie Has Arrived! - Full Birth Story!

I know, I know, I haven’t written anything for a long time, and for that I apologize.  It’s been hard to motivate myself to write another post because It takes a lot of time, and I know that my mom, and my wife will probably be the only 2 people who ever read it.  I think the only person following this blog is, well, me.  But, I promised a lot of people to post our birth story.

Skyler Marie Phillips was born on February 23, 2014 at 10:19 (Or something) a.m.  She weighed 8 lbs 13 oz. and was 21 Inches long. 

  I suppose most of you want to hear the whole story of how everything went down.  So, here it goes. *Deep Breath*

On Feb. 22nd my wife woke up feeling crampy.  Of course this caused me to become giddy as a school girl, hoping that it would get worse, and that we would get things going.  Why was I in such a hurry, oh, well, probably because Shelby was already 1 week overdue.  At 41 weeks mommy was as uncomfortable as a whale in a kiddy pool.  She wasn’t sleeping, and was just all around really miserable.  So, when the pressure waves (Word for Contractions in Hypnobabies) started on Saturday, I was elated.  Not only because I was anxious to get Skyler here, but, because I had felt like a failure the night before.  You see, we tried to induce labor naturally.  In the only way that a male could possibly contribute to this task, doing the thing that got us here in the first place.  Having nothing happen that night made me feel like I had failed my wife.  But, luckily, obviously that’s why my wife went into labor the next day. (Or so I hereby claim that’s the reason).

We went about our day normally, running errands, etc.  Well, that night we were going to Michaels to get some yarn so my wife could knit while she was in the hospital. (Yeah, you’d think I was married to a 90 year old woman). Well, in the parking lot, all of a sudden, my wife grabs my arm and says, “Wow, I’m peeing my pants, woooowwww….” And we thought to ourselves, let the games begin.

My wife has wanted to do a natural birth her entire life, which is convenient because my entire family makes a camp full of hippies look like business men in suits, when it comes to birth.  So, we started the intense journey of doing this natural birth. Shelby’s Pressure waves started at around 6:30 pm Saturday night, and lasted ALL FREAKIN’ NIGHT!  These things weren’t just like every 10 minutes apart.  Once her water broke, she started having them like every 4 minutes apart, then 3 minutes, etc…  Let me just say, my wife is a fricken’ birth monster (2nd Cousin to the cookie monster)  She went into labor mode and I didn’t know who this woman was anymore.  It was totally different than I was expecting, she was like tromping around our apartment all night, walking back and forth from our family room to bedroom and back again.  She did labor in the bathtub for a while, and that was okay, but basically, there’s nothing you can do kids.  I don’t care what classes you’ve taken, videos you’ve watched, people you’ve talked to, whatever, you will labor however you NEED to labor.  There is absolutely NO right way to do this.  You do what you gotta do.  And she did.  I’ve never been so proud of anyone in my entire life.  I’ve also never felt more helpless in my entire life.  There is nothing I could do other than pour warm water over her in the bathtub; or walk back and forth with her in our apartment.  I couldn’t take the pain away, and that was hard for me.  But I did my best in the capacity that I was assigned, and it was exhausting, but somewhat fulfilling, because every pressure wave meant Skyler was a little closer.  My sister Megan who is a Doula, helped a lot during this time.  She made it a lot easier for me, if you’re thinking of using a Doula, I highly recommend using my sister.  If you want her website address, just let me know in the comments.


At around 4:00 a.m. Sunday morning, after a long night of laboring, we figured we MUST be at like 9 of course, right?  Well, we got there, and Shelby was a 2.  Yeah, a 2.  I wanted to scream.  All that damn work for a 2?  Luckily, since her water had broken, the hospital didn’t make us go home, but admitted us.  We labored for about 4 more hours, and she moved to a 5 1/2.  I’m not gonna lie, when our midwife told us she was a 5 ½, I started crying.  I don’t know why, I guess it was partly exhaustion, and relief that this was actually happening this night.  And I was also just so dang proud of my wife for doing this. Then, my wife went into warp drive, and her womb opened up like the black hole at the end of Avengers, you know, the one where all the aliens come through to attack New York?  But I digress.  She went from a 7 to a 9 in like 30 minutes.  What was alarming though is that her body started bearing down at 7 1/2.  And it was hard.  I haven’t heard that much intense pushing since my last trip to Tucanos meat bar.  The midwife was able to kind of mold Shelby’s cervix around Skyler’s head to speed things up.  We didn’t love this (Cause we’re hippies) but, a lot of that went out the window when we were in the moment.

We had some bad news at this point however, and it added some stress to the situation that I really hated.  We wanted to do Delayed Cord clamping, and immediate skin to skin; but, because Skyler was 41 weeks, she had taken a crap in the womb, and had most likely eaten it.  Kids are gross.  So, they would have to clamp and cut the cord quickly to then take her to a little table to “pump” the Mekonium (poop) out of her lungs.  This was horrible news, but we were hoping she wouldn’t have any signs of Mek which would make it so we didn’t have to do that.

We were finally at the point where Shelby could start pushing.  This was insane.  I kept looking at the secret passageway that my daughter had to fit through, and I was convinced there was no way she was going to fit through it.  However, my stud muffin of a wife pushed for about 30 minutes, maybe, I don’t know, and amazingly Sky’s head came through, along with her arm, haha, she always keeps her hands at her face, even in the womb.  And she basically came shooting out, along with a lot of green liquid, which meant Mek was present.  They took her to the table to start working on her, and of course, I’m like quietly crapping my pants in anticipation for her to make some kind of noise, after a couple minutes, they did indeed pump some mek she had aspirated, and I was able to take her to her waiting mommy.  Well, the second I turned around from the table, I see my wife, hemorrhaging on the bed.  At this point baby was fine, but I had a new set of worries, where I was sure I was going to be raising this child on my own.

When it really got bad was when the midwife was yanking on the umbilical cord, and it snapped off.  I wanted to head butt her, but she is a she.  Then she said “Can someone go get the doctor” in the kind of voice where you know she’s trying to stay calm but inside she’s taking a massive panic dumb  That’s right when I turned to her and said, “Is my wife going to die” 

Luckily Shelby was able to push the placenta out, and we got all of it out luckily.  We were able to stop the bleeding, and get her all sewn up.  She tore internally, but she’s doing much better now two weeks later.

After all this, even though the birth didn’t really turn out the way we had planned, it wasn’t as glamorous and calm as some of the hypnobaby videos we had seen, and we even had to have some interventions that we never would have wanted before, we had a healthy, perfect little human being in our possession, and it was glorious.

Since this is so freaken long, I’ll post another blog soon on the weeks after the birth, I’ll leave it at this for the birth story portion of our adventure.

Please comment if you actually read this, I’d like to know that I’m not writing these blogs in vain.  It helps motivate me to blog more often if more people are actually reading what I write.

Thanks, and stay tuned for the next blog soon!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

An Introduction and Some Musings of a Daddy Who Doesn't Know What To Do!


My name is Tanner, and my wife's name is Shelby.  We are totally and undoubtedly just your average 30 year old couple who have been married for almost 3 years.  We have both gained more weight since getting married than we wanted to, accomplished less than we thought we would, and traveled to some pretty awesome places, but wish we could have gone to more.  However, we're still deeply in love, and we are also cooking a human being in my wife's chasm of human creating wombendom. Or, for all you non-sarcastic folk, we're pregnant.  Almost 9 months pregnant in fact.  At this point, our baby girl could arrive pretty much any day.  And I gotta tell ya', that excites, and terrifies me to my very core!!  

I am the youngest of 5 kids, I have 4 older sisters (yes, I'm the only boy) and even though I have like fifty nephews and 3 or 4 nieces (yeah, too lazy to count) I am totally and completely clueless as to how to make sure this little human stays alive, and doesn't get diaper rash at the same time.  When I'm holding a screaming nephew, I can just hand him off to his mom, and be done with it, but when it's YOURS, you're the one who has to take the little screaming demon. And if there's poop in their pants, oh geez, like anyone else is gonna get on that boat! Which brings me to my next point.

I have admittedly NEVER changed a diaper in my life.  I know what you're thinking: "That's about to change."  Yeah, I didn't read your mind, I've just heard it from like 72 people who I've told.  Anyway, I literally have NO IDEA what to do.  First off, there's baby crap EVERYWHERE, because heaven forbid, it be solid, so where do you even start?  Then there's the whole, "Don't wipe up you'll get poop in her second butt" (I heard a kid call it this one time, thought it was funny) "Don't do it too tight, oh don't do it too loose, or she'll have an assplosion", "oh be careful of her diaper rash", etc etc...  Is it weird that this is the one thing that so far I am most anxious about?  I'm sure once I do it, it won't be as bad as I thought, but we'll just have to see.  Luckily my wife is the 2nd oldest in her family of 5, so she'll be able to guide me.

Anyway, moving on.  Every time I walk by our newly put together nursery, I can't help but think to myself, "Holy crap, I'm actually going to be a daddy!"  SO many feelings flood into my mind at that thought.  "I am SO EXCITED", "I just want to meet her!", "Gosh, I hope she's not ugly!", "Am I going to screw this up?", "Will I be a good dad?", "Gosh, I'm hungry, I want some pizza".  Yeah, I'm pretty much always thinking about pizza.  But all these feelings combined even though there is some anxiety, and trepidation around becoming a daddy, make me so absolutely excited.  I honestly cannot wait to meet my baby girl.  

I've created this blog so that I can keep a journal of sorts.  A place to put my inner thoughts and feelings, or frustrations and follies, as a new father (And mother when Shelby wants to post too, she's a hippy and hates technology, that's another blog post though).  I wanted to start from the very beginning; before our baby is even born so that my family and friends, and any other people who are bored enough to come along for the ride can share in this journey with us.  The journey of not knowing what the heck to do!  Not always having the right answers, but figuring it out anyway.  Because that's what parents do, right?  So, hopefully we can keep you interested enough to continue following our new journey.