Tuesday, September 30, 2014

7 Months Old!

Holy Moses,

I can't believe it has already been 7 months since Skyler was born.  I also can't believe I haven't updated this blog in all that time.  I'm honestly terrible at blogging.  I have had like 5 different blogs throughout my days, and all of them have eventually fallen into disrepair, and neglect, becoming ghost towns, that will never be gazed upon again.

However, I really do want to make an effort to at least update this blog once in a while, if anything as a journal of sorts of our baby girl growing up.  So, onto that topic.

You guys, our baby is unreal.  She is the only thing, I can think of, that can poop on everything around her, and still remain adorable.

I mean, c'mon, look at this little cutie!!

She's not only adorable on the outside, but she's so sweet on the inside too.  She is the sweetest, happiest, smiliest, little girl in the entire world.  She already has a great sense of humor, and she has made this daddy completely smitten.  I love this girl so much it hurts sometimes.

It's actually pretty unreal how much love can exist for this little human being that essentially doesn't contribute anything to the relationship other than cuddles, smiles, and lots of diapers.  I love Shelby with all of my being, I would die for that woman.  But, the love for a child is really different.  Because it is an instant paradigm shift.  Your whole world changes over night, really the second you find out you're pregnant.  Everything shifts to baby.  It's all you talk about, all you shop for, all you look forward to, etc...  Then, once baby is here, your world turns upside down...  In my opinion, I should say it actually turns right side up.  Because you are no longer living for yourself.  I'm no longer going to work to make money for myself, or my wife.  I'm no longer eager to get home to go see a movie, or watch a game on TV, or something like that.  I'm going home to see my girls.  You no longer get to go out late, hang out with friends, go to the store without a fuss, or anything else for that matter.  Your whole life revolves around this little human being that is relying on you to raise her up to be pretty awesome.  It's crazy!  Your social life ends at 7:00 p.m. every night, unless you have a babysitter.

But that's where the paradigm shift kicks in, because, all of these things to a single person sound awful.  It really is a huge pain in the butt sometimes to have a kid, and yet, I never find myself wanting to complain about it, really.  It's all worth it.  I never think, "It would be so much easier if we just didn't have Skyler."  Instead I can't imagine my life without her.  Sure, we'd have a lot more fun with friends, if we didn't have her, but, we've outgrown a life of social activities every night, and doing whatever we want.  We've started a new chapter that is just as much fun, it's just more work.

Anyway, I'm rambling.  Back to Skyler.

As you can see in her pictures, she is a little chunker.  She is so squishy and adorable, and healthy.  I give thanks daily that my baby girl is healthy.  God bless those who have to deal with health challenges with their babies, I don't know if I could handle that.  She also so smart, and seems to be ahead of the game in her development.  She was pretty much crawling around at 6 months, and could roll around earlier than that.  Now, at 7 months, she can crawl wherever she wants so that she can then bonk her head on whatever it is she wants to climb up on to stand up.  Yeah, she's already standing up by herself with the help of whatever is in front of her.  She has already had two bottom teeth since she was like 5 months old, and she's currently getting her top teeth now, which sucks.  Teething babies are not as much fun. She's 17 lbs at this point.  She talks all the time, I have a feeling she'll be an early talker, but you never really know, to be honest. You can see her little brain developing literally everyday.  She is doing new things all the time, things that you think to yourself, holy crap, is she supposed to already be doing that?  It's pretty awesome, and kind of sad too to see certain stages you have grown to love so much pass you by, and become a thing of the past.  I can totally understand the term "baby hungry" now.  I see why people are willing to put up with the trauma of having another one of these things again within a year or two.  But, for now, I'm pretty content. :)

I know this is already long, and if you're still reading, you must really like reading, I probably would have stopped by now, but if you're interested, I will give a short update about what mom and dad are up to at the moment.

In June, I went to California as a finalist to become a contestant on The Biggest Loser.  I made it to the last couple days of finals week, and was cut, because they decided to go with people who were previous pro-athletes, or athletes that also had a tragic, interesting story.  My story was simply not tragic enough, which honestly I'm not complaining.  Anyway, it has turned out to be a blessing, as we have bought a house, in a neighborhood we absolutely love, and I've been able to see Skyler grow through this adorable time in her life.  Plus, I've been able to get sponsored by a Nutrition and fitness consultant company that is helping me to get healthy in a very healthy way, instead of the crazy Biggest Loser method.  I've already lost over 30 lbs, and I'm feeling good.  Shelby is looking sexy as all get out too, she's lost a ton of weight as well.  So everything is really great right now.  We are loving being parents, even though sometimes it's hard, but we have zero regrets, and we can't wait for the adventures that are still to come.

With that, here are some more pictures and videos of our baby girl.

She is starting young!

She fell asleep like this while leaning against me early in the morning.

She's obsessed with our Dog Tank!!

This is why they make it so you can buckle kids into these things.

She cheers for BYU, even in her sleep!

She's really good at Rapping too.

Daddy playing dress-up

My girls are the cutest!!!!  I'm such a lucky guy!

I'll try to at least post more pictures and stuff on this blog, even if I don't write a novel every time.  So, I hope you guys will stay tuned, and subscribe to our adventures.  The more people that actually read this stuff, the more motivated I can get myself to actually post.

Until next time folks!